5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke.
While conducting Twincat PLC seminar, I was introduced to the 5R concept by a group of trainees who were mainly from the maintenance department.
Till date, 5R concept always works without fail. The 5R are Reset, Restart, Reboot, Relax, and last but also the most important R among the Rs is "Read The Manual"!!
bagus artikelnya guna mendukung 5S (5R) di tempat kerja anda masing-masig juga bisa pembaca peroleh di halaman ini...tks.. Langkah Mudah Menerapkan 5S/5R file-file yang lain juga ada seperti manajemen ISO, HRD, dan SMK3